Thursday, November 11, 2010

After months of waiting for a new dog, last Friday my parents went to pick up this wonderful little fluff of fun, Dudley :) In this picture he is 7 weeks old, but literally, after only having him for 6 days, he's already growing and looks different than he does in this picture!

I'm so glad we finally have a big (will be) dog to come home to! He's just the sweetest thing ever :)) Unfortunately, I'm starting to learn what having a puppy is all about and have had the pleasure of having Dudley sleep in my room since the day we've gotten him. I have to admit, he's been a pretty good boy and sleeps most of the night, but he has had me up at 4:15 the past couple of them. I don't think I ever realized how much work a puppy is! My mom has been a trooper and has been staying home with him and literally watching his every move... why must puppies be like children?

This week I've had a Statistics exam and Physiology one as well...currently I'm drinking coffee and reading through notes for Physio, cannot wait for this week to be over! This weekend is the Hampden Sydney vs Randolph Macon football game (Thomas says its the oldest rivalry in the South) Pretty excited to not have to work on a Saturday, especially since the weather is supposed to be wonderful. Hopefully I'll have more to remember this football game than the last ;)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things.

Family is such a wonderful thing. I'm so blessed to have such amazing parents. Not only are my mother and father such strong and wonderful role models, but they're also my very best friends. Most people don't have a relationship quite like my parents and I have, I'm so fortunate. Sometimes, we as humans are blind sided by the unimportant, material things in life... Why worry about those things when you have such wonderful people to come home to? At the end of the day, all you have left is your family...and by God, I'm glad this is who I have to come home to :)

Another important thing I get to come home to is my wonderful wonderful boyfriend. I don't have words to express my feelings towards Thomas, but he is truly the most influencial and important person in my life. Not only is he my lover but he is my best friend. :) I couldn't be luckier to have found such a kind-hearted person :)