Family is such a wonderful thing. I'm so blessed to have such amazing parents. Not only are my mother and father such strong and wonderful role models, but they're also my very best friends. Most people don't have a relationship quite like my parents and I have, I'm so fortunate. Sometimes, we as humans are blind sided by the unimportant, material things in life... Why worry about those things when you have such wonderful people to come home to? At the end of the day, all you have left is your family...and by God, I'm glad this is who I have to come home to :)

Another important thing I get to come home to is my wonderful wonderful boyfriend. I don't have words to express my feelings towards Thomas, but he is truly the most influencial and important person in my life. Not only is he my lover but he is my best friend. :) I couldn't be luckier to have found such a kind-hearted person :)